Annual Coaches Meeting
Sunday October 17th
Virtual Zoom 9 am Meeting
Coaches, must register and fill out contact information. This is necessary for the Zoom meeting Link and the Insurance Coverd by the Membership payment.
Click on the Button Above to Register
Regional Break out Virtual Meetings
Region 1 10/24 7pm Region 4 10/25 8pm
Region 2 10/24 8pm Region 5 10/26 8pm
Region 3 10/25 7pm Region 6 10/26 7pm
MHSSCA Scholarship WinnersAlexis Hazen Rochester
Justin Schneider NorthvilleState Coach of the Year
Amy Kudary Ed Johnson
Casey McGovern Ben Ferris
Voting for State Coach of the Year is open until Wednesday March 10th at noon. Per by-laws each member paid or honorary is allowed to vote. Click on the link below to cast your ballot.Scholarship Applications are Due April 30th
Download File
Regional COTY
D2 Boys:
R4- Ben Ferris Great North Alpine
R5- James Netzley Cadillac
R6- Craig McLeod Notre Dame Prep
D2 Girls:
R4- Jen Crockett Petoskey
R4- Larry Heatheman Houghton
R5- Casey McGovern East Grand Rapids
R6- Craig McLeod- Notre Dame Prep
R6- Josh Vandruska- Sacred Heart United
D1 Boys:
R1 - Ed Johnson Traverse City West
R2 - Rob Brown Bloomfield
R3- Jeff Street Brighton
D1 Girls:
R1 - Amy Kudary Traverse City Central
R2 - Brian Poplier Clarkston
R3- Marty Neighbors Milford
D2 Rankings TBA- many have not sent do so asapDivision 1 Academic Rankings
Good Afternoon MHSAA Ski Coaches and Athletic Directors
Late this morning, the MHSAA received updated guidance from MDHHS regarding spectators at various high school sporting events allowed to start. The major change from this morning’s communication is MDHHS is now allowing limited spectators and will be making that determination public later today. With this new guidance we can now confirm that high school ski meets can have up to 250 spectators at ski hills and at ski competitions. While these MDHHS changes may create new logistical challenges for all of us, we believe this will be a better situation allowing parents to attend rather than deal with issues of closed facilities and the management issues of parents showing up to the ski hill in attempt to watch. This MDHHS change just reached us and this is yet another example of all of us continuing to be flexible and nimble in 2020-21.
All spectators from different households must be spaced out by 6 feet and maintain distancing from others at all times (spaced out at arrival, no areas open for mingling, etc.). Face masks should be worn by all spectators at all times.
Please remember that all MHSAA return to ski guidance must be followed and should be reviewed by the athletic director, ski coach and anyone associated with your ski program. Knowing that competitions have begun this week, this is especially time sensitive. Finally, all things MHSAA ski are found at under the ski pages.
Please be well and connect as needed as you start your competitive ski seasons!
Results of the all state pick votes. 45 votes. 88.89% in favor of changeing all state picks to 10 athletes first team, 10 athletes second team and up to 5 individuals for honorable mention.
KC McGovern Inducted into
Coaches Hall of Fame
Central is putting together their annual B-net order. Please check with club/teams, High Schools, and your local hill if they would like to be included with this order.
Price has stayed the same for the last several years.
$325.00 per roll, shipping is $40.00 per roll.
$19.95 per replacement pole no charge for shipping ( check your inventory )
Central will bill the clubs/teams hills.
There will be 3 drop off location in Central.
Nubs Nob Dec 12th.
Granite Peak Dec 19th.
Spirit Dec 29th
I need to receive orders by Oct.22th as inventory is limited this year.
Any questions call me at 906-281-4738 John
19/20 Scholarship Winners
Griffin Fill - Walled Lake Northern
Maddie Carrico - Brighton High
Congratulations to State Coaches of the Year D1 Girls Chris Glasco
D1 Boys Dan Menze
D2 Girls Casey McGovern
D2 Boys Josh Vandruska
Regional Coaches of the Year
Region 1
Boys - Dan Menze
Girls - Chris Glasco
Region 2
Boys - Jamie Jackson
Girls - Mike Foytek
Region 3
Boys - Marty Neighbors
Girls - Marty Neighbors
Region 4
Boys- Ben Ferris
Girls- Brian Henderson
Region 5
Boys- Casey McGovern
Girls- Casey McGovern
Region 6
Boys- Josh Vandruska
Girls- Heather Brennan
GPA Forms: Due Friday Feb 7th 6pm
D1 File: Return to Jeff Street
[email protected]
Download File
D2 File: Return to Tim Gariglio
[email protected]
Download File
Link to Team Michigan
Selection Criteria
Download File
Hall of Fame Inductees
Mike Foytek Kerry Webber
State Coaches of the Year
Josh Vandruska Craig Mcleod
Not pictured: Dan Menze & Tim Hiscock
Bill Miilu Award Tom Gable
Scholarship winners
Alexis Loehfelm Forest Hills Northern/Eastern
Alex Netzley Cadillac
State Coaches of the Year
Girls D1 Tim Hiscock
D2 Craig Mcleod
Boys D1 Dan Menze
D2 Josh Vandruska
Regional COTY
Girls Boys
R1 Dan Menze Dan Menze
R2 Tim Hiscock Rob Brown
R3 Marty Neighbors Kyle Rutkowski
R4 Erik Lundteigen Doug White
R5 Casie McGovern Tom Sabin
R6 Craig Mcleod Josh Vandruska
Congratulations to John Diebel - Notre Dame Prep
D2 Girls Coach of the Year
Inducted in the Hall of Fame
Bill Miliu Award
US Ski & Snowboard Events in Midwest
Alpine 100
Granite Peak WI Nov 23 & 24
Mt. Brighton Dec 15 & 16
Crystal Mt, Dec 17 & 18
Alpine 200
Granite Peak WI April 5 & 6
Central will be putting together a b-net order. It will be ship to one location in Central and reshipped to one location
in R1,R2, R3. for pick up
The cost will be the same as last year. If Central orders more then 25 rolls our cost will be $320 a roll plus shipping which was $40 per roll
last year, also replacement poles are $19.50 each with $2.00 per pole shipping.
Orders need to be placed with me ( Brewster) by Oct. 30 to insure we get group pricing.
Tentative location and date for delivery, [email protected]
R3, Nubs Mid-Am Dec
Sanctioned Race Schedule
Download File
Team Michigan USSA
Download File
Download File
MHSSCA State Coach of the Year
D2 John Diebel Notre Dame Prep Girls D1 Justin Janseen Birmingham United Girls
Erik Lundteigen Petoskey Boys Jeff Street Brighton Boys
Regional COTY
R 1 Girls Ed Johnson Traverse City West
Boys Chris Glasco Forest Hills Northern/Eastern
R2 Girls Justin Janssen Birmingham United
Boys Rob Brown Bloomfield Hills
R3 Girls Marty Neighbors Milford
Boys Jeff Street Brighton
R4 Girls Brian Henderson Houghton
Boys Erik Lundteigen Petoskey
R5 Girls Alan Moore Forest Hills Central
Boys Adam Putney Benzie Central & Frankfort
R6 Girls John Diebel Notre Dame Prep
Boys Bruce Rosengren Cranbrook / Kingswood
Congratulations Bruce Rosengren Coach of the Year.
Newest Inductee to the MHSSCA Hall of Fame
David Webster
2016 Bill Miilu Lifetime Achievement Award
Bruce Rosengren
**MHSSCA Scholarship Winners**
2017 Katie Knister -- Christian Stellin
2017 State COTY Winners
D1 D2
Girls Derek Delzer Girls Alan Moore
Boys Chris Glasco Boys Erik Lunteigen
2017 Regional COTY Winners
R1 Girls- Dan Menze Boys- Chris Glasco
R2 Girls - Derek Delzer Boys - Seth Thompson
R3 Girls - Jeff Street Boys - Jeff Street
R4 Girls - Brian Henderson Boys - Erik Lunteigen
R5 Girls - Alan Moore Boys - KC McGovern
R6 Girls - John Diebel Boys - Bruce Rosengren
2016 Coaches of the Year
D1 Girls - Marty Neighbors
D1 Boys - Marty Paulsen
D2 Girls - John Diebel
D2 Boys - Charlie Zeiter
Sunday October 17th
Virtual Zoom 9 am Meeting
Coaches, must register and fill out contact information. This is necessary for the Zoom meeting Link and the Insurance Coverd by the Membership payment.
Click on the Button Above to Register
Regional Break out Virtual Meetings
Region 1 10/24 7pm Region 4 10/25 8pm
Region 2 10/24 8pm Region 5 10/26 8pm
Region 3 10/25 7pm Region 6 10/26 7pm
MHSSCA Scholarship WinnersAlexis Hazen Rochester
Justin Schneider NorthvilleState Coach of the Year
Amy Kudary Ed Johnson
Casey McGovern Ben Ferris
Voting for State Coach of the Year is open until Wednesday March 10th at noon. Per by-laws each member paid or honorary is allowed to vote. Click on the link below to cast your ballot.Scholarship Applications are Due April 30th
Download File
Regional COTY
D2 Boys:
R4- Ben Ferris Great North Alpine
R5- James Netzley Cadillac
R6- Craig McLeod Notre Dame Prep
D2 Girls:
R4- Jen Crockett Petoskey
R4- Larry Heatheman Houghton
R5- Casey McGovern East Grand Rapids
R6- Craig McLeod- Notre Dame Prep
R6- Josh Vandruska- Sacred Heart United
D1 Boys:
R1 - Ed Johnson Traverse City West
R2 - Rob Brown Bloomfield
R3- Jeff Street Brighton
D1 Girls:
R1 - Amy Kudary Traverse City Central
R2 - Brian Poplier Clarkston
R3- Marty Neighbors Milford
D2 Rankings TBA- many have not sent do so asapDivision 1 Academic Rankings
Good Afternoon MHSAA Ski Coaches and Athletic Directors
Late this morning, the MHSAA received updated guidance from MDHHS regarding spectators at various high school sporting events allowed to start. The major change from this morning’s communication is MDHHS is now allowing limited spectators and will be making that determination public later today. With this new guidance we can now confirm that high school ski meets can have up to 250 spectators at ski hills and at ski competitions. While these MDHHS changes may create new logistical challenges for all of us, we believe this will be a better situation allowing parents to attend rather than deal with issues of closed facilities and the management issues of parents showing up to the ski hill in attempt to watch. This MDHHS change just reached us and this is yet another example of all of us continuing to be flexible and nimble in 2020-21.
All spectators from different households must be spaced out by 6 feet and maintain distancing from others at all times (spaced out at arrival, no areas open for mingling, etc.). Face masks should be worn by all spectators at all times.
Please remember that all MHSAA return to ski guidance must be followed and should be reviewed by the athletic director, ski coach and anyone associated with your ski program. Knowing that competitions have begun this week, this is especially time sensitive. Finally, all things MHSAA ski are found at under the ski pages.
Please be well and connect as needed as you start your competitive ski seasons!
Results of the all state pick votes. 45 votes. 88.89% in favor of changeing all state picks to 10 athletes first team, 10 athletes second team and up to 5 individuals for honorable mention.
KC McGovern Inducted into
Coaches Hall of Fame
Central is putting together their annual B-net order. Please check with club/teams, High Schools, and your local hill if they would like to be included with this order.
Price has stayed the same for the last several years.
$325.00 per roll, shipping is $40.00 per roll.
$19.95 per replacement pole no charge for shipping ( check your inventory )
Central will bill the clubs/teams hills.
There will be 3 drop off location in Central.
Nubs Nob Dec 12th.
Granite Peak Dec 19th.
Spirit Dec 29th
I need to receive orders by Oct.22th as inventory is limited this year.
Any questions call me at 906-281-4738 John
19/20 Scholarship Winners
Griffin Fill - Walled Lake Northern
Maddie Carrico - Brighton High
Congratulations to State Coaches of the Year D1 Girls Chris Glasco
D1 Boys Dan Menze
D2 Girls Casey McGovern
D2 Boys Josh Vandruska
Regional Coaches of the Year
Region 1
Boys - Dan Menze
Girls - Chris Glasco
Region 2
Boys - Jamie Jackson
Girls - Mike Foytek
Region 3
Boys - Marty Neighbors
Girls - Marty Neighbors
Region 4
Boys- Ben Ferris
Girls- Brian Henderson
Region 5
Boys- Casey McGovern
Girls- Casey McGovern
Region 6
Boys- Josh Vandruska
Girls- Heather Brennan
GPA Forms: Due Friday Feb 7th 6pm
- Open the Excel file and fill out with all athletes names and grades
- Must be signed by the Athletic Office.
- Master Eligibility must be included with submission
D1 File: Return to Jeff Street
[email protected]
Download File
D2 File: Return to Tim Gariglio
[email protected]
Download File
Link to Team Michigan
Selection Criteria
Download File
Hall of Fame Inductees
Mike Foytek Kerry Webber
State Coaches of the Year
Josh Vandruska Craig Mcleod
Not pictured: Dan Menze & Tim Hiscock
Bill Miilu Award Tom Gable
Scholarship winners
Alexis Loehfelm Forest Hills Northern/Eastern
Alex Netzley Cadillac
State Coaches of the Year
Girls D1 Tim Hiscock
D2 Craig Mcleod
Boys D1 Dan Menze
D2 Josh Vandruska
Regional COTY
Girls Boys
R1 Dan Menze Dan Menze
R2 Tim Hiscock Rob Brown
R3 Marty Neighbors Kyle Rutkowski
R4 Erik Lundteigen Doug White
R5 Casie McGovern Tom Sabin
R6 Craig Mcleod Josh Vandruska
Congratulations to John Diebel - Notre Dame Prep
D2 Girls Coach of the Year
Inducted in the Hall of Fame
Bill Miliu Award
US Ski & Snowboard Events in Midwest
Alpine 100
Granite Peak WI Nov 23 & 24
Mt. Brighton Dec 15 & 16
Crystal Mt, Dec 17 & 18
Alpine 200
Granite Peak WI April 5 & 6
Central will be putting together a b-net order. It will be ship to one location in Central and reshipped to one location
in R1,R2, R3. for pick up
The cost will be the same as last year. If Central orders more then 25 rolls our cost will be $320 a roll plus shipping which was $40 per roll
last year, also replacement poles are $19.50 each with $2.00 per pole shipping.
Orders need to be placed with me ( Brewster) by Oct. 30 to insure we get group pricing.
Tentative location and date for delivery, [email protected]
R3, Nubs Mid-Am Dec
Sanctioned Race Schedule
Download File
Team Michigan USSA
Download File
Download File
MHSSCA State Coach of the Year
D2 John Diebel Notre Dame Prep Girls D1 Justin Janseen Birmingham United Girls
Erik Lundteigen Petoskey Boys Jeff Street Brighton Boys
Regional COTY
R 1 Girls Ed Johnson Traverse City West
Boys Chris Glasco Forest Hills Northern/Eastern
R2 Girls Justin Janssen Birmingham United
Boys Rob Brown Bloomfield Hills
R3 Girls Marty Neighbors Milford
Boys Jeff Street Brighton
R4 Girls Brian Henderson Houghton
Boys Erik Lundteigen Petoskey
R5 Girls Alan Moore Forest Hills Central
Boys Adam Putney Benzie Central & Frankfort
R6 Girls John Diebel Notre Dame Prep
Boys Bruce Rosengren Cranbrook / Kingswood
Congratulations Bruce Rosengren Coach of the Year.
Newest Inductee to the MHSSCA Hall of Fame
David Webster
2016 Bill Miilu Lifetime Achievement Award
Bruce Rosengren
**MHSSCA Scholarship Winners**
2017 Katie Knister -- Christian Stellin
2017 State COTY Winners
D1 D2
Girls Derek Delzer Girls Alan Moore
Boys Chris Glasco Boys Erik Lunteigen
2017 Regional COTY Winners
R1 Girls- Dan Menze Boys- Chris Glasco
R2 Girls - Derek Delzer Boys - Seth Thompson
R3 Girls - Jeff Street Boys - Jeff Street
R4 Girls - Brian Henderson Boys - Erik Lunteigen
R5 Girls - Alan Moore Boys - KC McGovern
R6 Girls - John Diebel Boys - Bruce Rosengren
2016 Coaches of the Year
D1 Girls - Marty Neighbors
D1 Boys - Marty Paulsen
D2 Girls - John Diebel
D2 Boys - Charlie Zeiter
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