: Michigan High School Ski Coaches Association
Founded 12/7/1988
Article I – Name
The name of this organization shall be the Michigan High Schools Ski Coaches Association (MHSSCA, pronounced “Meeska) a non-profit organization.
Article II – Objectives
A. To work for the betterment and growth of ski racing in Michigan B. To help ensure the safety, development, and enjoyment of all our ski racers C. To encourage and help extend participation in skiing at all levels D. To secure a better understanding of the challenges of coaching and to provide valuable sources of information to all coaches. E. To foster the highest possible professional and ethical standards in ski coaching, including promoting and providing educational and certification opportunities. F. To consider and propose rule changes to the Michigan High School Athletic Association. G. To promote a harmonious relationship among coaches in all sports H. To provide recognition to athletes and coaches by facilitating the selection of scholar athletes, the All-State Ski Teams, electing regional and state coaches of the year, conferring the Bill Miilu Lifetime Achievement Award, and by administrating the ski coach’s hall of fame. I. To maintain and publish in-season, statewide team rankings
Article III – Membership
Section 1: There shall be three classes of membership; active, associate, and honorary A. Active membership shall include only coaches of current high school programs statewide. B. Associate membership shall include all those involved in the promotion of ski racing in Michigan, including, but not limited to coaches, retired coaches, USSA officials, school employees, trainers and MHSAA officials. C. Honorary membership shall be conferred by a majority agreement of the executive committee. The following guidelines may be used in awarding honorary membership a. Past presidents of MHSSC
b. Coaches who have retired after 10 years and who have performed some meritorious service for the association or sport c. Dedicated individuals who have contributed outstanding services to the sport.
Section 2: The membership year shall be from November 1 through October 31.
Article IV – Dues
Section 1: Active membership annual dues shall be determined annually by the executive committee at the spring executive committee meeting for the subsequent membership year beginning November 1st. MHSSCA membership includes membership in the Michigan Ski Coaches Association.(MHSCA), except for honorary members. Section 2: Honorary membership dues include a one time payment equivalent to the current membership dues (which does not include MHSCA membership). Section 3: In the event MHSSCA is disbanded, all monies accrued in the treasury shall be given to the MHSCA. Section 4: In order for a coach’s athletes to be considered for all state team selection and scholar athlete awards, the coach or school must have paid the current years dues by December 15th. In the event a membership is revoked or for any reason is discontinued, the represented school may appoint a representative to fulfill the membership duration.
Article V - Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of a president, vice-president, Division 1 Director, Division 2 Director, Secretary, Treasurer and the Regional Representatives.
Article VI – Awards
Awards maintained by MHSSCA for both Division 1 and Division II shall include scholar athlete, all region, all-state team selection, regional and state coaches of the year, coach’s hall of fame inductions, and the Bill Miilu Lifetime Achievement Award.
Article VII– Meetings
Section 1: There shall be a general membership meeting in the fall to nominate new officers, cover any old or new business, reports by officers and members and discuss any issues related to the association. Section 2: Special meetings can be called by the president or the executive committee. Section 3 The members present at any meeting shall constitute a quorum.
Article VIII – Amendments
Section 1: This document has the following history: A. Originally drafted 12-7-1988 B. Revised and amended 10/2003 C. Revised and amended 10/2010 Section 2: Any proposed amendment shall be submitted in writing to the executive committee prior to any regular or called meeting. Section 3: The proposed amendment, together with the opinion of the executive committee shall be read at a regular meeting of the association. A majority vote of the members present in favor or the amendment shall be necessary for adoption. Section 4: Should a proposed amendment be made during a meeting, discussion and drafting of the proposal may be conducted during the same session. Final draft shall be distributed to general membership within 7 days of submission. Voting on the amendment will be conducted by ballot 30 days after original distribution.
Michigan High School Ski Coaches Association
Founded 12/7/1988
Article I – Officers
Section 1: President:
A. Duties –
1. Preside over all general and executive committee meetings, using Robert’s Rules of Order to conduct meetings
2. Support all other executive committee member’s activities and responsibilities
3. The president shall have no vote except in the case of a tie.
4. Maintain open communication with the MHSAA
5. Serve as ski area liaison statewide
6. Attend the fall ski rules committee meeting every year
7. Appoint executive committee members when vacancies occur and a vote of the general membership is not practical due to immediate need
8. Maintain Hall of Fame awards and site
9. Facilitate a smooth transition for the new president and, as a past president, provide on-going support to the current president
10. Call meetings of the executive committee or general membership as needed
B. Term –. The president’s term shall be for two years, as elected with a majority vote, in each even year of the fall general membership meeting, with a two term limit.
Section 2: Vice President:
A. Duties –
1. Fulfill the responsibilities of the President in the President’s absence
2. Maintain media relationships
i. Facilitate and distribute MHSSCA D1 and D2 rankings before Pre-season, January 30th, February 20th, and post-season.
ii. Distribute all-state selections to media by March 15th
3. Attend all executive committee and general membership meetings
4. Tabulate voting
B. Term – The vice president’s term shall be for two years, as elected with a majority vote, in each even year of the fall general membership meeting, with a 2 term limit.
Section 3: Secretary:
A. Duties –
1. Keep accurate and official minutes of all general and executive meetings, and distribute them electronically to attendees within on month’s time after completion of the meeting, to be voted on to be approved at the next executive council meeting 2. Handle all official MHSSCA correspondence
3. Keep official records and membership lists
4. Maintain the MHSSCA website
5. Notify the membership of meetings at least 30 days prior to the meeting
6. Serve as editor for newsletters
7. Maintain and distributing membership roster ( to include a minimum of school, coach and contact phone number)
8. Facilitate distribution of scholar athlete compilation forms on behalf of division directors
9. Disseminate completed scholar athlete team compilation forms provided by directors to members
10. Attend all executive committee and general membership meetings
11. Maintain and disseminate Coach of the Year results
C. Term – The secretary’s term shall be for two years, as elected with a majority vote, in each odd year of the fall general membership meeting, with no term limits
Section 4: Treasurer:
A. Duties –
1. Pay association bills
2. Maintain and award scholarship proceeds
3. Collect member dues
4. Provide a current financial statement at the fall general membership meeting, with a fiscal year of July 1st thru June 30th
5. Attend all executive committee and general membership meetings.
6. Order and maintain athlete and coaches award certificates
C. Term – The treasurer’s term shall be for two years, as elected with a majority vote, in each even year of the fall general membership meeting, with no term limits
Section 5: Division 1 Director –
A. Duties: a. Compile and disseminate scholar athlete awards
b. Compile average GPA school rankings and provide to secretary for posting to website
c. Work with regional representatives to compile D1 rankings, and forward results to the VP for dissemination to the media
d. Arrange for State Finals host before fall general membership meeting
B. Term - The Division 1 Director will serve a term of 2 years, as elected by a majority vote of the general membership, in each even year, with a two term limit
Section 6: Division 2 Director
A. Duties: a. Compile and disseminate scholar athlete awards
b. Compile average GPA school rankings and provide to secretary for posting to website
c. Work with regional representatives to compile D2 rankings, and forward results to the VP for dissemination to the media
d. Responsible for collecting and distributing Scholarship Applications to the Board for voting. Sending thank you emails to the applicants
B: Term - The Division 2 Director will serve a term of 2 years, as elected by a majority vote of the general membership, in each odd year, with a two term limit
Section 7: Regional Representatives
A. Duties:
a. Help regional hosts conduct regional championships. A region is a geographical group of schools determined by the MHSAA b. Provide All-Region certificates for top 15 competitors in each discipline to coaches at their respective regional championship c. Facilitate and tabulate Regional Coach of the Year for their region and report results to the MHSSCA Secretary
d. Attend executive committee meeting immediately following state championships to help select All-State Teams
e. Provide MHSSCA VP with your regions top 3 ranked teams by the stipulated deadlines
f. Provide media distribution list to VP for publications in your region
B. Term – Regional representatives serve 3 year terms, as voted for by a majority of representatives in their region at the MHSSCA fall general membership meeting, with no term limits.
Section 8: Executive Committee –
A. The Executive Committee is empowered, by a majority vote of the Committee, to make policy, adopt positions, and recommend amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws on behalf of the General Membership.
B. In the event the president and vice president have left office of president vacant, the executive committee shall commission the immediate past president to assume the duties of President
C. The executive committee will meet before the general membership meeting in the fall to construct an agenda, consider Hall of Fame nominees, review the treasurers report, and conduct any other business
D. The executive committee will meet as soon as possible after State Finals to compile All-State teams.
E. No member of the executive committee shall be individually liable for the actions of the association or any actions of any spectator, player, referee, team or member under auspices of the association
F. Each executive committee member shall have the right to have their voting record remain private
Section 9: Election of officers
A: Nominations for officers may come from the floor from any active or honorary member
B: To become an officer, the candidate must be an active or honorary member and receive a majority vote of the general membership
C. Any active or honorary member may stand for election to the executive committee
Article II – Awards
Section 1 Scholar Athlete awards:
In order to receive All State Academic Honors and /or Individual Scholar Athlete Honors, the following criteria must be met:
a: Coach is a member in good standing with MHSSCA
b: Junior or Seniors qualify as Scholar Athlete with a GPA over 3.5o
i: Certificates can be found on the MHSSCA website.
c: For Team Honors, a minimum of 4 team members.
d: Submission in a timely manner to the appropriate Division Director.
All State Academic Honors will be announce at the awards ceremony of the D1 and D2 State Finals respectively. Division Directors may appoint a proxy to make this announcement provided they have signed off on the results.
Section 2: Statewide Team Rankings:
A: Rankings will be presented the membership and press by the MHSSCA Vice President.
B: Rankings will be published before Pre-season, January 30th, February 20th, and post-season.
Section 2: All Region Awards: provided by region representatives to top 15 athletes in each discipline in their respective regions. Athletes receive a maximum of one certificate
Section 3: All State Teams: includes awards for both slalom and giant slalom, each award recipient will receive one award for each all-state team qualification
A. 1st Team All-State: Includes top 10 individuals in their respective division finals
B. 2nd Team All-State: Includes 11th-20th places in their respective division finals
C. Honorable Mention: Includes athletes who are chosen by the executive committee and region reps based on region and state finals results, and may include up to 5 boys and 5 girls for each division
Section 4: Coach of the Year:
A. Region Coach of the Year a. Voted on the day of the regional, preferably at the results sign off meeting, One voter per team.
b. One Regional Coach of the Year for boys and one for girls from each region. Ties in voting will result in co-coaches of the year for that region.
B. State Coach of the Year
a. Voted on by email by each MHSSCA Active and Honorary member
b. Conducted by the MHSSCA secretary
c. Only regional coaches of the year for that year are eligible to be state Coach of the Year
d. Published by March 31st of each year
Section 5: Hall of Fame:
A. Applications must be received by the president by the fall executive committee meeting, which precedes the general membership meeting by approximately one month
B. Awarded by a majority vote of the Executive Committee
C. Presented at fall general membership meeting
D. Minimum requirements for Hall of Fame induction include:
a. Candidates for Hall of Fame induction shall be members in good standing of MHSSCA for at least ten (10) years prior to induction
b. Each coach nominated for induction shall have coached a secondary school ski team either as an assistant or head coach or a combination thereof for a minimum of fifteen (15) years.
c. If a coach has coached a secondary school ski team for a minimum of ten (10) years and has coached five (5) MHSAA Regional Champions, either Boys or Girls, or a combination thereof, the coach is eligible for Hall of Fame induction, waiving the fifteen year requirement.
d. Any coach of a secondary high school ski team who has coached for twenty-five (25) or more years is eligible for nomination.
e. Each coach qualifying for Hall of Fame induction must complete the Hall of Fame application and must include a letter from the athletic director for each school served, verifying the number and dates of the years coached. The application, along with a 3x5 picture, must be sent to the executive committee for consideration.
Section 6: Bill Miilu Lifetime Achievement Award.
A. Criteria a. Be a member of the Michigan High School Ski Coaches Association for ten years, active or retired within three years
b. Be a sponsor for Regional or State Competitions
c. Hold office for the Michigan High School Ski Coaches Association for at least 3 years.
d. Have three letters of recommendation from three individuals of the ski industry (including ski coaches, reps, ski area operators/managers, school administrators and other association individuals from MHSSCA or MHSAA)
e. Must be submitted by the 3rd Monday of February.
f. The applicant with the most votes from the Bill Miilu Lifetime Achievement Committee shall receive the award at the subsequent fall general membership meeting.
Article III - Fall Meeting
Article III - Fall Meeting
A fall meeting shall be held on a Sunday in October for the general membership for the following purposes.
A. Provide educational opportunities for the general membership
B. Review previous seasons competitions and rule changes and their impact
C. Present awards a. Regional Coach’s of the Year b. State Coach’s of the Year c. Recognition to outgoing President d. Hall of Fame inductions
D. Propose, consider and vote on rule changes to present to the MHSAA Rep Council
E. Propose, consider and vote on rule changes for MHSSCA by laws and constitution
F. Vote for executive committee members and regional assignments
a. President and Vice President each even year
b. Secretary and Division 1 Director in even years
c. Treasurer and Division 2 Director in odd years
d. Region Rep for regions 1 thru 6 for terms of three years with 2 region rep positions being rotated each year
G. Voting for changes requires a majority vote of membership present at meeting.
H. The meeting date shall be communicated to the general membership at least 30 days prior to the meeting
I. Conduct rules meeting to comply with MHSAA regulations
Article IV – Rights of Membership
Section 1: Active membership shall have the following privileges:
A. Have a voice and voting privileges at all general membership meetings
B. Voting for State Coach of the Year
C. Receive all publications of the association
D. Be eligible for election as Regional or State Coach of the Year
E. Be eligible to stand for election to office
F. Upon resignation or suspension of a member, their respective school may appoint a designee to fulfill the membership duration
G. Voting for Regional Coach of the Year is limited to one vote per team per gender in your respective region, to be conducted at the regional sign off of results
Section 2: Associate Members shall have the following privileges:
A. Attendance at general membership meetings
B. Access to association publications
C. The right to be recognized and speak from the floor at general membership meetings
Section 3: Honorary members shall have the following privileges
A. Have a voice at all general membership meetings
B. Voting
C. Be eligible to stand for election to office
Article V– Cancellation of Membership
Section 1: Active membership shall be suspended at the end of each year. Suspension shall be lifted with the payment of annual dues
Section 2 Any membership may be suspended by a majority vote of the executive committee
Article VI – Code of Ethics
In order to maintain and promote the highest levels of integrity, all members of the association are expected to demonstrate high standards to their relationship with their school, their athletes, their constituents and this association. Membership may be revoked or refused to anyone or any program if found guilty of violating this association’s or MHSAA standards. Active members will maintain the highest levels of professionalism, promoting the educational standards of their school, and adhering to all MHSAA rules. They will demonstrate leadership, fair play and sportsmanship, insure the best of their ability the safety and health of their team, parents and coaching staff, and conduct themselves as a positive role model for players, other coaches, their school, their community and the State of Michigan.
Article IX – Document History Originated 12/7/1988
Amended 10/2003
Amended 10/2010
Amended 09/2013
Amended 10/2015 ( all state awards)
Amended 10/2017 (voting)
Amended 10/2019 ( all state awards decreased to( 5/5 /up to 5)
Amended 11/2020 ( all state awarded UP 1st team 10, 2nd team 10 and up to 5 honorable mentions
Amended 10/2022 ( updated verbiage/clarification for academic all state awards)
Amende 03/2024 (updated the late fee date for membeship to Dec 15th)
Honorary Lifetime Membership
Susan Miller
Mike Foytek
Mike Wagner
Jerry Stanek
Bruce Rosengren
John Lambert
Craig Davidson
Rob McIntosh
Scott Winquest
Ben Doornobs- Nub's
Cody Inglis- MHSAA
Susan Miller
Mike Foytek
Mike Wagner
Jerry Stanek
Bruce Rosengren
John Lambert
Craig Davidson
Rob McIntosh
Scott Winquest
Ben Doornobs- Nub's
Cody Inglis- MHSAA